Tuesday, 20 May 2008

A request

For the first time in the history of TCO, I'm going to rant about a certain topic as it has been requested.

The topic is Matthias Dahlström, a music critic (I'm guessing) at Dagens Nyheter who has graded each country's contribution to the Eurovision Song Contest.

And gotten them all wrong. A remarkable feat in itself, it must be said.

Now, this is not a "we can agree to disagree" sort of thing. The man has given 4 points (out of 5) to a mime artist (a hint to most that, possibly, the man's voice isn't exactly his biggest asset), 3 points to a turkey (possibly the biggest joke of the entire history of Eurovision, an entry Dahlström calls "techno", about as accurate as calling N'Sync thrash metal) and 5 points to a barbie doll lookalike with as much of a voice as her plastic counterpart, claiming in the process that the song is reminiscent of something written by Dianne Warren in her prime. That's like saying William Hung is reminiscent of Frank Sinatra.

For the love of all that is holy, Dahlström, please do quit your day job. I'm sure McDonalds is hiring, although you'd probably call a Big Mac a banana split.


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