Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Dial G for God

Dutch artist Johan van der Dong (how's that for a name?) has received world-wide attention after setting up what he claims is a direct line, a hotline as it were, to God.

Apparently, you dial the number and then get an answering machine saying that you've reached God, but that he isn't in at the moment. If you leave a message, who knows, he might get back to you.

How funny would it be to change that message to all of a sudden just go "WHAT?!? I'm fucking trying to sleep here! For the love of myself, will you people ever just shut the hell up? Jesus Christ.. No, not you, son."?



Anonymous said...

Hah, let's wait and see when God's callcenter opens up.. Full religious support 24/7!

JP said...

Yup, considering the current trends in outsourcing, you'll be sure to get Shiva before Jesus though.