Sunday, 5 October 2008


A serious take once again.

I've been asked a few times lately about my take on the American election. To be blunt, from an international perspective, it's a circus. Although I must admit, this year the two main candidates both seem to have strong points.

A black president would be good for the states, no doubt in my mind about it.

McCain on the other hand is probably the best Republican candidate in quite some time.

The selection of Sarah Palin, however, is completely beyond me. Lacking other plausible explanations, I'm guessing there were nude images of McCain and a goat involved. For crying out loud, the woman is a complete joke both as a person and politician. A redneck whose experience of foreign politics comes from Alaska "being close to Russia". At the moment, she's close to bringing down McCain, and should she, somehow, make it into office, she'll be that much closer to bringing down the USA as well. I mean, if McCain moves on to the other side, she'll be in a position so high up a fall would be fatal.

Time to wake up, yanks, or it just might be too late.


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